It’s been a while since I last posted, but it’s for good reason. Today, I am thrilled to announce that I published my very first book in Amazon! It’s not a novel, however it’s a new unique coloring experience called the “Mythical Affirmations“. But beware, this is not your ordinary …
It’s been a while since I wrote anything on both my blog or uploaded a video on my YouTube channel. In a future post, I may share why. For now, I’d like to share an important message from Spirit that I received yesterday. Before I begin, I must admit that …
Since I last posted, quite a bit has happened in my life. For one, I lived to see the first African-American man be elected as the 44th President of the Unites States of America. Witnessing President Barack Obama give the acceptance speech was one of the proudest moment of my …
I know that as a woman I should embrace the natural cycles that my body goes through, but I hate menstrual cramps. My cycle is just finishing up, and I popped more advils this past week then ever before. In my quest for a cure, I stumbled upon a blog …