
November ’08 Update and a Song

Since I last posted, quite a bit has happened in my life. For one, I lived to see the first African-American man be elected as the 44th President of the Unites States of America. Witnessing President Barack Obama give the acceptance speech was one of the proudest moment of my…

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A Poem and an Update

I haven’t completely abandoned this blog, but I am taking a break from blogging consistently for a while. I’ll update here and there to keep you posted on any new developments. Once I find the time to redo this site like I originally intended, regular blogging will start up again..…

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Love After Love

A friend from work suggested I watch an interview that Oprah had with Jon Kabat-Zinn and the interview was awesome. During their conversation, the following poem was mentioned and all I can say is, “Wow”. Very simple, yet profound. Enjoy. 🙂 ————————- Love After Love The time will come when,…

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