So, it’s been about 10 months since I wrote a blog post. I should warn you – this is going to be a long one… One of my biggest pet peeves is to see see blogs that aren’t frequently updated… And yet, here I am, dusting mine off after almost …
New Year’s Resolutions
Ok, I have good news and bad news. Good news is, I still intend to lose 40 pounds in 2008. The bad new is, aerobic breathing may not be my ticket to the promise land. In the past week, I’ve experienced everything from low grade fever to stiff neck to …
A few years ago, I was shopping for books and stumbled upon one called “Be a Loser” by Greer Childers. It introduced me to aerobic breathing, a technique that allows oxygen to quickly flood your body. The premise behind it is that oxygen burns fat and by breathing in so …
Tonight in Second Life, me and Trina Noland are going to be hosting our weekly Radio Show on ASpiRE! Radio called “The Voice.” This week’s topic is “New Years Resolutions” and I have to admit, I’ve been avoiding making them. Ok, ok… this is where I come clean. My track …