
Intentions and Weight Loss

Today, I realized that my past failures with weight loss may have a lot to do with my intentions. I noticed that every single time I’ve decided to start a detox or new fitness regime, my reason were always something like me wanting to look so good that I turn…

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Customer Service Hell

I decided on Sunday that paying for Office Depot’s Brand Performance Protection Plan for my HP Pavillion was not the wisest decision I ever made. One of my buttons broke off and it was hell just to get a claim approved. Funny thing is when I had the same issue…

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Falling off the Wagon and Letting Go

Ok, I have a confession to make…. I fell off the 7 Day Detox wagon hardcore. I’m going to continue to do raw days , maybe 2 at a time with breaks in between. I did really well from Sunday night 6pm until last night 6pm, then it all went…

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A Detox, the Ego and a New Earth

I know that as a woman I should embrace the natural cycles that my body goes through, but I hate menstrual cramps. My cycle is just finishing up, and I popped more advils this past week then ever before. In my quest for a cure, I stumbled upon a blog…

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