Have you ever felt so tired when you get home from work that the thought of typing made you cringe? Well, that’s how I’ve been feeling lately, hence why I haven’t been posting much. So, while I deal with my energy crisis, I’ll share with you a cute story my…
Another friend emailed this to me and I was like, “Wow”. I’ve edited and tweaked it for the web. Just doing my part to pass on this timely message. Peace. ************* Question 1: It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the…
A friend emailed the following story to me today. This is the tweaked version. Enjoy. 🙂 THE WORLD’S SHORTEST FAIRYTALE Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl “Will you marry me?” The girl said: “NO!”. And the girl lived happily ever-after and went shopping, dancing, camping, always had…
Do you believe that humans are superior to animals in every way? I used to, but lately my spirit has been showing me that what I was taught may not be accurate. Then to top it off, I received this video today. Check it out and let me know what…