
Improve your Self-Worth in 4 Steps

If you have ever struggled with finding or improving your self-worth, this article titled “Appraising your Home” by Zenobia may be just what you need. As you will soon discover, the home she speaks about is not the house you live in, but YOU and everything that makes you who…

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Weight Loss Challenge for 2008

A few years ago, I was shopping for books and stumbled upon one called “Be a Loser” by Greer Childers. It introduced me to aerobic breathing, a technique that allows oxygen to quickly flood your body. The premise behind it is that oxygen burns fat and by breathing in so…

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I got Tagged!

Hey everyone, here’s my most recent video. I got tagged by Travis, so in this video I give 5 random facts about myself and then tag 5 other people. Fun! 🙂

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