Devoted Mom
I’m a devoted mother to my son Conrad. Having a child is still very new to me, but I’m enjoying every moment. My life is no longer just about me, so I’m very careful about my actions and the company that I keep. Setting a good example for my boy and being a mother that he’s proud of are my top priorities.
Nutrition Enthusiast
I’ve been passionate about nutrition since my mother got sick in 2005. She passed away in February 2015 (followed by my Dad two months later). That experience taught me the importance of taking full responsibility for my health and wellness. I truly believe that there’s no pill or potion that can replace the healing that comes from good nutrition and natural living. I also love to learn and share about the best ways to be healthy while pleasing the palate. One of my goals, starting now, is to step it up by using blogging and social media as platforms to share my knowledge with others. Stay tuned.
Music Lover
I love music. I love to sing. I’m not sure if other people are like this, but I always have a tune playing in my head. In addition to my love for music, I also have one of the most eclectic playlist on the planet (in my opinion). Just to give you an idea of what I’m talking about, here are some of the artists in my current rotation: Crystal Waters, Alanis Morissette, Clint Mansell, Kaoma, Whitney Houston, JayZ…
I was a Christian for many years. However, in 2008, I converted to Nichiren Buddhism and received my gohonzon. Fast forward to the present, I consider myself more spiritual than the label “Buddhist” these days. As much as I admire the philosophy, I’m constantly questioning everything and am open to embracing other belief systems. I’m a firm believer that there is truth in all religions.