Free Marketing Tools & Articles for New Bloggers

by Natasha

I am so psyched by the wealth of free information I’m finding online on how to build a successful blog. This must be a newbie blogger reaction, because I feel like a kid in the candy store. Here are a few freebies that I think will excite you as well:

Free Search Engine Ranking Tool

Have you ever wondered how your page ranks for certain keywords in the major search engines and directories? Well, Mike’s Free Search Engine Ranking tool tells you just that. Simply enter your URL and keywords, and it tells you if you’re in the top 50 listings in Google, Yahoo! Search, AOL, MSN, AllTheWeb, Altavista, Yahoo! Directory and Open Directory. Also, be sure to check out some of his other free tools.

Article: How to Market your Blog in 2007

This post was written by Tony Hung who was a guess blogger on Although it was written for 2007, it is still a treasure chest full of golden nuggets and gems. From my count, he listed about 41 ways to market your blog. To a newbie blogger like me, it’s as if he took my hand and said, “Come, let me show you…” I also found this other article on optimizing your title tag very informative and helpful. So come to think of it, the entire Problogger website is a treasure trove full of useful blog tips to help people make money online.

Article: Some Tips to Fine Tune Your Blog for 2008

For an up to date way to improve your blog, I also recommend this article. Chris Brogan list many ways to make your blog rock. Some of his suggestion seem basic, but are often missed by us newbs. For example, he mentions that simply writing good titles can play a huge role in bringing new visitors. Content is also important, but if your titles aren’t catchy or google-friendly, they will get ignored. He also suggest many cool free tools, such as the Web Site Grader, which I’ll talk more about next. Definitely an article worth checking out.

Web Site Grader

This tool does just what it says, it grades your site. I tested it out and was impressed by how much information it gave in regards to the marketing effectiveness of my blog. I realized after getting graded that I still have much work to do, but as quoted from GI Joe, “knowing is half the battle”.

Article: Make it Easier to Generate Daily Content for your Blog

In this article, Kila gives some great tips on how to generate daily content for your blog. These tips are simple, but very important. If implemented, they can prevent a new blogger from getting burnt out and quitting.

And these marketing tools and articles are just a handful of the information that you can find online. If you know of any that you think are worth mentioning, I’d love to hear about it.


Natasha January 21, 2008 - 2:13 pm

Hi Barbara, thanks so much. I am checking out your blog and like what I see so far. You will be hearing from me. 🙂

Barbara January 21, 2008 - 4:36 am

Hi Natasha,

I have been blogging for nearly a year now. One of my blogs is about blogging, and I share what I have learned, with others.

My post for today, is about new bloggers. I have challenged my existing readers to seek out, and reach out to new bloggers, (after all, we were all new, at one time or another).

Anyway, I will search for a new blog each week, and provide a link in one of my daily posts, to that blog…..hopefully gaining more exposure for the new blogger, and giving them moral support, to keep blogging.

I found your blog by doing a search for “newbie blogger”, then proceeding to page 11 of the search results.

You have the beginnings of what looks to be a great blog. You write from your heart, and openly share. To me, that’s a winning combination.

Just so you know, later this week, I will provide a link to your blog in one of my posts. My hope is, that by doing so, I can send a little bit of traffic your way, and motivate you to continue on with this great blog.

See you in blogosphere! 😀

Barbara’s last blog post..New Blogger Begins To Feel Like An Abandoned Dog

Natasha January 10, 2008 - 12:49 am

Thanks for the heads up Kila, I updated the link. 🙂

Kila Morton January 9, 2008 - 8:04 pm

Oh…I forgot…. here is the link to the article on Make It Easier To Generate Daily Content For Your Blog . Thanks again Natasha.

Kila Morton January 9, 2008 - 7:57 pm

Hi Natasha. Thanks so much for including me in your article. PureBlogic has been changed and is back in business. Isn’t it so great to be able to find out so much using just your fingers? It’s like we’re in the twilight zone! All this knowledge at the click of a button. I love it!

Natasha January 8, 2008 - 7:30 pm

Heya Carol, thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you find the tools and articles as useful as I have. 🙂

Carol Webb January 8, 2008 - 7:18 pm

Hi Natasha,
I called to say hello because I haven’t been blogging long and find problogger a little gem.

Your blog layout is great, easy to navigate and the colour is not too bright for oldies like myself.

I shall look at some of those tools that you have kindly linked to…thank you.

Carol Webb…

Natasha January 8, 2008 - 3:14 pm

Ahh good to know.. Thx, I’ll update this post. 🙂

Angie January 8, 2008 - 3:02 pm

Oops, the last link “Article: Make it Easier to Generate Daily Content for your Blog” doesn’t work. Looks like “pureblogic” is revamping their site or something.

Angie January 8, 2008 - 3:01 pm

Thanks for sharing some resourceful links for newbies (like me). Now I can test out bookmarking this with Yay! =)

Natasha January 7, 2008 - 12:32 am

Thanks Samantha:)

Samantha January 6, 2008 - 1:20 pm

Looks great


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